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Satisfactory Academic Progress Español 🇪🇸



Students must make satisfactory progress both in terms of cumulative grade point average and the total amount of time taken to complete the required course sequence as outlined by semester in the JMVU College Catalog. To maintain satisfactory progress, the student must:

  • complete their total program in no more than 1.5 times the number of semesters described in this catalog for the program


  • establish and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA by the end of the undergraduate student's second term of enrollment and all subsequent terms. Graduate students must maintain a 3.0 GPA by the end of their second term of enrollment and all subsequent terms. For the purposes of SAP, Medical Assistant Technician, Home Health Aide, ESL, and FCCPC diploma students must meet the same criteria as undergraduate students. (Grades for classes that were transferred from another university are shown as “T” on the transcript and will not be used in computing the student’s grade point average.)


Factors that may influence satisfactory progress and that may result in extended time are:


  • deviation from the catalog requirements in the number of hours taken per semester

  • deviation in the course sequence recommended

  • withdrawal from classes

  • repeated courses

  • grades of “Incomplete”

  • changing the major or the program

  • probation or suspension

  • grade appeal process

  • earning more than one degree at a time


In calculating Satisfactory Academic Progress, Grades “A” through “C-” are considered passing grades.  Grades "W" and "I" indicate that no grades were earned for the course.  A "W" grade indicates that the student withdrew from the course.  An "I" grade indicates that the student was passing the course, but failed to complete all the required course work. The instructor, in his/her discretion may grant an "I" grade instead of an "F", pending completion of the course work by the student within a specified time arranged by the instructor and told to the student. It is the student's responsibility to follow-up with the instructor to complete the course work.  If the course work is not completed by the arranged time, the “I” grade becomes an “F".


For students receiving transfer credit from other institutions, a grade of “T” will appear on their transcript.  Courses for which a “T” is given will not be used in computing the student’s grade point average.


A student's grade point average ("GPA") is computed by dividing the sum of all grade points earned at the University by the total number of courses for which grades “A” through “F” were received. Courses in which a “W” or “I” or “T” or “P” grade was received will not be used in computing a student's GPA.

Definition of Satisfactory Academic Progress

Each student enrolled at the University must demonstrate that he or she is making satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of his or her chosen program of study. The criteria that each student must meet to qualify as making "Satisfactory Academic Progress" are defined below. A student who is failing to meet this criteria at any point outlined below will not meet the standard of "Satisfactory Academic Progress”. Any of three remedies may be applied if a student is not making Satisfactory Academic Progress. These are as follows: academic probation, restricted class load status and/or termination from the program of study. 


The definition of Satisfactory Academic Progress has both qualitative and quantitative criteria that must be met. The student must meet both of these sets of criteria to make Satisfactory Academic Progress. Unmet satisfactory academic progress also affects financial aid eligibility. For more information on financial aid warning status due to unmet satisfactory academic progress, please refer to the Financial Aid section of this catalog.


Qualitative Criteria for Satisfactory Academic Progress

Under the qualitative criteria, to make Satisfactory Academic Progress, the student must comply with the following three criteria:


  1. Demonstrate a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 2.0 at the end of the undergraduate student's second term of enrollment, and at the end of each subsequent term thereafter.


  1. Demonstrate a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 3.0 at the end of the graduate student's second term of enrollment, and at the end of each subsequent term thereafter.


  1. Demonstrate successful completion of the required percentage of the total cumulative credit hours he or she has attempted in the program of study at the intervals described below.                 

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