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            Technology Requirements Español 🇪🇸

Technological requirements for Distance Education Students:

   Students must have ready access to all standards outlined. Additionally, some courses require the ability to     download and install software.  It is recommended that students need to have basic technological proficiency. Assignments may include, but are not limited to, word processing, document creation, digital slide presentations, and recording video             presentation. Students that don’t have the basic technological proficiency can benefit from the university’s  optional offered trainings in the mentioned areas.


  • A Desktop or laptop device is necessary to complete the coursework.

  • Desktop or laptop device must have Windows 8/10 or MacOS 10.10 or above and the capability of producing sound via speakers or headphones.

  • Mobile devices may be used for some, but not all, LMS functions. A mobile device cannot replace a desktop/laptop.


  • High-speed Internet connection: Cable, DSL, etc.

  • Internet Web Browser (Firefox, Internet Edge, Safari, or Google Chrome).

  • Personal or university e-mail account.

            Recommended creation/processing software

  • Word Processor (MS Word, Google Docs, etc.).

  • PDF Reader (Adobe Acrobat Reader or Apple Preview).

  • Additional software may be required for certain courses.


Students privacy:

Student privacy is very important to the university. Students the university FERPA statement located university website under the consumer disclosures tab in the financial aid section. Students may also review the student records section of the university catalog pages 79-80 for more information on privacy.


Verification of Identity Protection:

During the admissions process students will be asked to provide a copy of their state or government issue ID. After students begin their program they will be required to upload a face picture to their Vargas Portal profile. Student identities will be verified and their privacy protected through the use of a student a unique username and password during the Admissions process. The Admissions and Financial Aid Offices will verify incoming student documentation. Student privacy will be protected through the https secure connection of the Vargas Portal. Students will login online and agree through a student agreement that they are the sole users of the course materials. Students will be asked to submit their assignments on the Vargas Portal.


Additional Distance Education Fees:

There are no platform access fees, online library access fees, fees associated with identity verification and the course textbooks may be purchased by the students on and other online retail stores. If students desire the university to purchase the course textbooks for the student, the university will charge the cost of the book plus $30 to the student account. Through the Vargas Portal students will be able to pay the charges, if they desire the university to buy the books for them.

Distance Education Disclosure
Jose Maria Vargas University offers its programs will complete at least 51% and up to 99% of the coursework online. At least 1% of the course will be offered on campus. Distance education is offered via synchronous delivery – that is, students engage in live class sessions via telecommunication platforms such as Google Meet. In addition, coursework, instructional materials and resources are maintained in the Vargas Portal learning management system. 

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